Legal notice
Provision of information
Bangerter Microtechnik AG endeavors to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. We reserve the right to amend and update the products and services described on the website at any time and without prior notice.
The website may contain references (links) to information provided by third parties; Bangerter Microtechnik AG has no control over these, nor is it responsible for them. We therefore assume no liability for this information.
Intellectual property
All rights reserved. The content of the Bangerter website, such as text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos, as well as their layout on the Bangerter website, is subject to copyright and other protective legislation. You do not have any rights regarding the use of this content and you are not permitted to reproduce the content in whole or in part, to download, copy, print or forward content via traditional or electronic means, to amend the content or layout, create an electronic connection or use the content for public or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Bangerter Microtechnik AG or our licensors.
This website has been developed with the utmost care. Nevertheless, the correctness and accuracy of the information it contains cannot be guaranteed. Any liability for damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless this is a result of intent or gross negligence by Bangerter Microtechnik AG.